Peter Foley is our resident guru here at CPA, and has been passionately following the shifting world of business rates for many years. With a keen political insight, Peter’s writing reveals how policy change is key to understanding your business rates further, and how this could translate into substantial savings. In his weekly column, Peter also outlines a desired path forward, with changes we’d like to see implemented for a fairer system on the nation's business rates.
Landlords understand the challenges of re-letting commercial units in today's market. The property sector is tough, with concerns of financial struggles from both tenants and landlords. The slowdown in property transactions is particularly problematic, as former assets lose their appeal.
That's where Commercial Property Advisors (CPA), business rates consultants, can help. We are offering a RICS-regulated survey and report, completely free of charge, with the goal of challenging your property's existing rates bill.
Our intimate knowledge of the market, coupled with access to sophisticated datasets of comparator sites, consistently results in revised rateable values. These reductions can be decisive in attracting prospective tenants. Plus, our commission applies only in successful revaluations, ensuring a transparent and competitive approach for landlords like yourself.
Don't hesitate to reach out to CPA for further advice and assistance. We're here to help you navigate the complexities of the property market and maximize your rental opportunities.
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