Peter Foley is our resident guru here at CPA, and has been passionately following the shifting world of business rates for many years. With a keen political insight, Peter’s writing reveals how policy change is key to understanding your business rates further, and how this could translate into substantial savings. In his weekly column, Peter also outlines a desired path forward, with changes we’d like to see implemented for a fairer system on the nation's business rates.
The business landscape for industrial units, including warehouses, is fraught with potential pitfalls when it comes to business rates. A major cost driver for such establishments, these rates can easily spiral out of control if not meticulously checked by professionals. It stands to reason: the larger the floor area of your unit, the greater the potential for discrepancies, which can quickly translate into hefty unnecessary costs.
However, amidst the whirlwind adjustments to post-pandemic trading dynamics, many businesses inadvertently overlook the imperative of keeping their business rates in check. This oversight can lead to significant financial drains, which is why professional assistance becomes invaluable.
Enter Commercial Property Advisors (CPA). Their approach is as comprehensive as it is client-focused. Their free, no-obligation surveys are performed by professional surveyors accredited by RICS, who possess cutting-edge datasets at par, if not surpassing, those employed by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA). CPA's meticulous methodology and forensic utilisation of comparator criteria make their appeals something the VOA cannot ignore. The authority invariably sits up and takes notice given the depth and precision of CPA's submissions.
From the moment of initial contact, CPA ensures that clients can relax. Their approach means clients don't have to invest any more of their invaluable time. And with CPA's transparent 'no win no fee' terms, clients can proceed with peace of mind, knowing there are no clandestine charges lurking, just a clear, previously-agreed commission upon a successful outcome.
No matter the location, size, or number of units in question, CPA is fervently dedicated to assisting you. Their goal is not just to help you make substantial savings in the present but also to ensure a fair and realistic rateable value for your industrial units moving forward.
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